Greetings from Mexico City 🇲🇽
I just released a 2.5-hour video breaking down my entire 2024.
Goals for the future
Lessons & realizations
And most importantly, my mistakes
You can watch the entire video here.
For those of you who prefer to listen on the go, here’s the audio version (Spotify and Apple Podcasts)
And for those of you who prefer the cliff notes, here’s the outline of the entire video (in bullet-point form)
My 2024 in Bullets (Personal Recap)
Visited 10 countries on 3 continents
Slept in 21 different apartments/hotels/houses across the world
Learned to DJ in Amsterdam
Hit a record net worth, record income, and record spending
Passed the first full year mark without my dad
Experienced the most mental & emotional stress I ever have in a year (and expanded my capacity as a result)
Celebrated my first 1-year anniversary
Learned to box with immersive 1:1 training
Provided significant support for my mom, my sister, and my girlfriend
Struggled to make consistent health & fitness gains during the year
My 2024 in 10 Bullets (Business Recap)
Grew our top line by roughly 40%
Grew the team from 13 to 28 members
Learned to operate and grow with paid ads
Relaunched Ship 30 as an async digital product
Launched an overhauled version of our PGA curriculum
Wrote the least “new” content I have in my 4 years of writing
Added a new 1:1 CSM division with 6 new CSMs
Added 4 new closers to expand the sales team
Hit $1m in a month for the first time ever
Launched our best digital product yet for Black Friday
My 10 Biggest Lessons of 2024
The most expensive tax is not from the government, it’s an unmade decision
There is no right path, just bags of benefits and bags of problems. The only wrong choice is making no choice
The more you look for confirming evidence, the more you will find it (good or bad)
Satisfaction = reality - expectations
The most empowering belief you can have is viewing every problem in your life as a personal skill issue
If you want to change a habit, chunk up a level and treat the cause of the habit, not the symptom
Your relationship, your business, and your health are mere reflections of your internal state
The main problem keeping you from ascending to the next level (in any domain) will be present no matter the vehicle
Generalities create anxiety, specifics create direction
Life is about learning the same lessons multiple times, just at different levels of significance
My 12 Big Goals for 2025
Build daily ~30-minute meditation habit
Build daily schedule with no work meetings until 1 PM to allow for a morning of mobility, meditation, writing, and my daily workout
Lean down to 190 lbs (from 210) while maintaining strength levels
Improve RHR to below 50 BPM
Heal nagging knee injury to allow for pain-free lower body exercise
Build business to consistent $1m/month at 50%+ operating margins
Learn Spanish at conversational level to allow me to communicate in any South American city
Publish 12 YouTube/newsletter/podcast episodes breaking down my key personal frameworks for iteration in all areas of life
Publish my first live DJ set on YouTube
Reduce my average monthly spending by 25% to reign in subtle lifestyle inflation
Establish weekly CBT routine with a trained therapist
Purchase my first apartment in a major city to begin building a home base
What’s coming up for Dickie’s Digest
As we head into 2025, I am doubling down on writing a weekly newsletter + filming a weekly YouTube video.
These videos will break down whatever I am most interested in sharing that week. It could be business, it could be health and fitness, it could be my reflection routine, the topics will vary but they will all focus around a single world:
Stay tuned, lots of exciting things in the works for this year and beyond.
PS… If you read this far, I could use your help.
If I could make a custom YouTube video for you breaking down any single topic, guide, process, business, or framework, what would it be? I want to make the most valuable videos possible, so your input would be much appreciated.
Either hit reply to this email with your idea or leave a comment to let me know. If I end up making a video on a topic you suggest, I’ll give you a shoutout.
My entire career has been spent in the federal public sector. Breaking down how to create a paid newsletter for public sector departments or businesses that serve that sector would be an interesting nuance. It’s a little more challenging space to ‘sell’ I think but me in the digital transformation space, this is the where my expertise is.
There’s just an espresso training in Amsterdam missing on that list ;)