Thanks for sharing. Great work!

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Thanks for reading Daniel!

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The shorter the time horizon to 85-year old me, the harder that prompt becomes.

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This is awesome Dickie! Just what I needed.

It would be great if you could do a deep dive on how to set up and how you use the daily survey. I'm really interested in using this :)

What app do you use for the morning brain dump. Is it just notepad? Looks a little like Obsidian. What would you suggest.

Enjoy your trip and I hope to hear more about your adventures!

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Keep your eye out for a future post!

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Hi Rick. Since Dickie is living his out his Dutch countryside dream life today I thought I'd pop in to reply. I believe he mentioned that image of his morning brain dump is a blank Apple Note.

All the best!

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Correct, thanks Susanne!

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Dickie, in your section on Finite and Infinite Games I wanted to add some clarification. Carse says that there are at least two kinds of games that can be played - finite and infinite. There may be others. Secondly you mention that you want to play infinite games (plural) "forever"...but Carse is explicit in the very last chapter that there is only one infinite game. So you can't play multiple infinite games but you might be able to approach your manner of play infinitely. Also the notion of forever is akin to immortality and that is an anathema to infinite play. The play must go on in other players and with new rules and boundaries which emerge whenever winners or rankings threaten to end play. I was lucky to have a years long relationship with Carse and would be delighted to talk more about the book with you. mstillman at gmail

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Great stuff Dickie. Massively helpful. Are you going to write more about losing your dad?

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Nothing planned in the immediate future.

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Thanks a lot for this beautiful list of journaling prompts :) I got "jotform" app and would highly appreciate it if you can guide me to the evening shutdown survey, or how I can set one up for myself. Much appreciated

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Thanks Dickie!

How can I setup the jotnot - googlesheet setup you mentioned for the evening shut down?

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Your journal prompts have helped me get started on brain dumping & documenting, thank you Dickie! May I ask - what app/tool do you use for the evening shutdown survey & prompts (i.e. the screenshot above)

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Hi Dickie,

Thanks for sharing all these prompts! :)

My issue with journalling (and I hope you can help me with this) is:

What do you do with the pile of notes you gather (online, in apple notes for example)? I mean after a few days it will be almost impossible to track your notes/feelings/moods/thoughts.

So are all these notes (for example, your surveys) useless after a certain time (say a year)?

Is there someway we can track or analyze the data afterwards? Like in the form of charts or graphs to see how we've felt over time or what are key ideas over time?

Waiting for your answer..



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The main reason I document and journal in this way is for the clarity of thought it provides in real-time, rather than for the sake of looking back on it in the future.

I typically “reread” my journals at the end of the year. But other than that, I don’t look backward too much.

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If you have all your notes digitally, you can copy paste chunks into ChatGPT and ask it to summarise themes and key learnings. Also it can also do a table and count how often certain thoughts come up.

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These are fantastic! Thanks for sharing. I look forward to writing with these. I've done a few of the prompts you mentioned but haven't heard of all of these before.

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Fabulous! Thank you!

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Thank you for your generous post. I found it inspiring! I would be interested in a deep dive into this survey, how I use it, and how to set it up please.

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Thank you so much for the prompts and insights from your experience.

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Thank you for the information! As a student, I realize the importance of journaling and really appreciate these prompts to help me clarify my mind (present and future!) 🤗

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Loved this line: “So I’ll spend about 10 to 15 minutes hashing out these ideas as my double espresso works its magic through my veins” — I actually felt it! And as someone who journals regularly too, I appreciate the experience shared. I’ll be trying the prompts!

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I’m interested in how you set up the evening shutdown survey and how import it into a google sheet!

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